Monday, September 16, 2013

DIY Green Tree Frames

 I saw some Green Tree picture frames in Hobby Lobby once that I just fell in love with! 
They were colorful, distressed and super classy. I wanted to take them home with me, but at $15+ a piece I just couldn't rationalize it on a single family income. So instead I walked over to the craft section and picked up some supplies to make some myself! I ended up making six for about the price of one! I will tell you what I got how I made them. Since I am writing this after the fact I don't have any pictures showing my process, but it is so easy I am sure you could do it without.

- Craft plaques you can find in the wood crafts section.
-Pictures to match the size of the plaques
- Acrylic paint or stain of your choice, I used both.
- Mod Modge, I used the Matte to cut down on the shine.
-Paint brush for paint.
-Foam brush or paint brush (for a streaky look) for mod modge.
-Sand paper, I used a sanding block.
-Picture hangers, pictured below.

I started by lightly sanding the plaques just to get any rough edges or splinters off so that I could make sure the paint looked good. Next I added a couple coats of paint. After the paint dried I used the sanding block again to give the plaque a lightly distressed look. The next step was adding the photo. I put one coat of Mod Podge on the plaque focusing on the area where I was going to put the photo. I immediately place the photo on top of the wet Mod Podge and added a top coat. I made sure to add a layer or two on top of the photo so that I covered all the edges. After it was dry I hammered the hanger into the back of the plaque. Finished!

 Now I may be biased, since I made them  myself, but I think these look just as good as the ones I saw at hobby lobby. Plus there is no glass involved so it is much sturdier.
What would you do differently? Let me know what you think in the comments below! 
 (Some photos are blurred for my husbands privacy)

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